Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Apple Patent: for a new speech recognition system....for iPhone?

Being that the granted patent discusses the use of this system in relation to a user calling up a document, license, memo and/or a producer’s agreement. It’s apparent that this patent could easily apply to a future iPhone.

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Apple iPhone to be BLACK; 'Display is Breathtaking'; Touch Sensitive Edges

The iPhone is a black device that is nearly featureless on the front...The most remarkable feature of the iPhone is the display is breathtaking as it emerges from behind what appears to be black plastic. The whole front with exception to a couple of millimeters along the edges of the iPhone are touch sensitive...

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Exclusive: Apple seeks rights to iPhone trademark

Apple Computer has filed for a trademark on the term iPhone, suggesting the company plans to use the moniker, recently popularized amongst the analyst and blogging communities, as the official name for its highly-anticipated iPod cell phone.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

iPOD to become a GPS iPhone?

Apple fanatics have fround references to GPS data in Apple’s iPhoto software - something which is set to be used with the iPhone. The code of the software apparently references GoogleMaps hinting that iPhoto will soon enable photos to be tagged with location data.

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